
Are Financials Required on a Leaseback?

Financials are not always required on a leaseback.    However, if a company’s financial and bank statements are strong, then they will want to provide the information.

5 figure and higher beginning, ending and average balances are the starting point to be considered strong for bank statements.

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Another unusually roadblock that may occur is if the loan officer or credit officer indicates that bank statements and financial statements are not required for a leaseback or other types of financing.

If this happens and you know your financials and bank statements are strong, tell them that you want to provided them, even if they are not required, because they are strong and may well help the request.

Sometimes some less experienced loan officers may still indicate that the are not required.   If this happens, persist and insist on submitting them.

Small Business Loan Resources:

Public Radio Planet Money – All issues money related to the public.

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